Friday 22 September 2017

Channel 8 - Be A Health Champion 我是肠胜菌 - EP4

TV programs - Channel 8 - Be A Health Champion 我是肠胜菌
22 September 2017

In the last episode of this programme , we continue to highlight the importance of our intestines and what we should be aware of to keep colon cancer away . What is the number of patients with colorectal cancer in Singapore , and what is the relationship with our eating habits ? Stay tuned ! 全新保健节目《我是肠胜菌》最后一集,我们继续从“肠”计议!带大家一起了解如何保养肠胃才能让肠癌不来折磨你!在新加坡肠癌患者人数越来越多,和我们的饮食习惯有什么关联?到底应该如何预防?